Miquel Oliveras

Urban Infrastructure

Civil Engineer; began his profesional career working for companies such as GISA, CENSA, GRECCAT, SEAM, ENGITECNIC i AUDINGINTRAESA. Currently, he is head of technical assistance and safety coordinator of the maintenance contract of Barcelona roads and he is the head of urban infraestructure of CAAS ARQUITECTES

Roger Senyis

Structures area

Architect, Doctor “Cum Laude” in Structures and professor at the University ETSAV. He started his career working for firms such as BOMA & Sala Consultors, and the group IDOM SA. He has extensive experience in structural projects. He currently directs “ARCO 3” and is the head of structures area in CAAS ARQUITECTES.

Oriol Ruiz

Engineer area

Industrial Engineering, specializing in energy efficiency and assessment of environmental quality in buildings. He is certifier of Sello Verde in Spain and has extensive experience in all types of projects and works of architecture and engineering. He began his career directing “ORDEIC, engineering and consulting” and he is currently the head of facilitiy and energy efficiency area in CAAS ARQUITECTES.

Eva Sánchez

Interior Design area

Interior designer with more than 20 years of experience, expert in HomeStaging and HomeCoaching; she began his career working in multinational fashion within the areas of management, marketing, architecture and Merchandaising. She currently directs “El Ático de Daniela” and she is the head of interior desing area in CAAS ARQUITECTES.