M.Ángel Carretero
Cost Control CAASArchitect and Technical Architect, with over 15 years experience, has specialized in the financial control of projects and their constructions.Within its professional education, she has specialized in many courses and graduate programs and currently she collaborates with CAAS ARQUITECTES
Alejandra Crespo
Landscape Architect CAASUrbanist Architect and top graduate in Landscape, started his profesional career developing various Urban Studies for Torres Nadal Arq, Torres Capell Arq and IDOM. S.A. He has collaborated with Marc Casany since 2008 and is currently the Urbanism and Landscape adviser of CAAS ARCHITECTS.
Adelardo Domingo
BIM manager CAASArchitect, BIM Manager; He began his career in 2004. During 2011 he specializes in the development of energy efficiency projects and the development of BIM technology BIM. Currently he is developing BIM training courses in different organizations and public statements. Since 2014 works as BIM manager at CAAS ARQUITECTES.
Sara Peinado
Architect CAASArchitect, specialized in building rehabilitation and Master degree in Infoarchitecture. She began her career in 2014 as a partner of Aprotecnic performing tasks of coordination and technical reports. She has specialized in Photogrammetry applied to heritage and 3d virtualization. Since 2015 works as project manager in CAAS ARQUITECTES.
Sonia Lamesa
ArchitectArchitecture. Within her educational training she has participated in several international workshops and she receives an Erasmus Exchange Scholarships to study in the KU Leuven, working at the same time in the architectural firm of Jan Verheyen in Ghent, Belgium. Currently, Sonia combines her studies with Q9Magazine management platform and collaborates with CAAS ARCHITECTS since 2014.
Cintya del Fresno
Architect CAASArchitect; she has participated actively in different national and international workshops, and she has completed an Erasmus Master’s in Architecture at the ENSA Paris-Belleville. She has participated in CAAS arquitectes since 2017.
Júlia Gras
Architecture StudentStudent of Architecture; During his training, she has participated in the “International Worshop PROJET URBAIN ENSA of Paris-La Villete, and she has collaborated in the RBTA office – Ricardo Bofill Taller de Arquitectura”. She has participated in CAAS since 2018.
Ricard Pascual
Achitecture StudentArchitecture Student; during its formation he has participated actively in many national and international workshops and he has been awarded for competitions “JLE la Salle 2012” and the restoration of a home in Santa Caterina in his teaching period. Currently, he is involved in CAAS ARQUITECTES since 2014.
Andreu Cabrer
Architect CAASArchitect; he has participated actively in different national and international workshops, and he has collaborated with the Town Planning Department of Barcelona City Council. He has participated in CAAS since 2018.
Pep Quilez
ArchitectArchitect; during his educational period he has been finalist of the ArchMedium Students Competition 2011. Pep has worked in the Fostering Arts and Design (FAD) and is partner of the Management and Concession Space Department of MACBA since 2013. Currently, he combines his studies with Q9Magazine platform management and is actively involved with CAAS ARCHITECTS since 2014.