New Professional School in the Catalonia Automotive sector (CFPA) is an educational and highly technical building, focused on being a landmark building in the industry for their type and use. The project has been designed from 2 different scales (man-industry) and with 3 distinct bars (classrooms / teaching center - vertebrate / hallway axis - area workshop / warehouse) that makes the new CFPA have a suitable configuration allowed to grow without distorting its buildable space without affecting the common .
Public building
Promoter: / SOC
Plot located between SEAT Factory - Martorell (Baix Llobregat)
10.558 m2
Urbanization area:
11.075 m2
Executive Project Cost:
11.611.593,79 €
Building Final Cost:
9.663.120,03 €
Cost / m2:
915 €/m2
Budget reduction:
- 17%
Generalitat de Catalunya
This project is located in Martorell North; within the SEAT Factory polygon, between the parking lot of the factory, a fire and the N-II road. The plot has a trapezoidal shape with an approximate area of 15,000 m2 and a gentle slope downward toward the north with a difference of 3m height .
The complex entrance (road side) is made by the human scale of the project (main classroom building-facade) leaving the more industrial scale in the back of the building without being visible from the access point. The basic organization scheme is done by clustering of uses and functions. In the back of the project (South-east façade) found clustering of all the workshops and in the front of the project (South-West façade) all those areas more related as the administrative center, auditorium, library, classrooms, etc..
The project has been designed from two different points of view; a more automobile- industry related, and other more human related to educational classrooms. This conditioned the dimensions of space and its perception by the user. One of the main focus was to hide the display of the warehouse by the main entrance to CFPAC. This circumstance might be gathering those programmatic areas most related to man in order to make disappear the industrial scale.
The building contains two program blocks that are associated with two structural construction types allowing phased (or both) without interfering one with another. This makes the Building structure comes defined by the two 'scales of the project' (human-industrial); while the structure of the workshops is metal with shaped profiles (lights and industry heights), the structure of the classroom was performed using pillars and slabs of reinforced concrete.
The planned building is characterized by its uniqueness respect to a conventional educational institution by the incorporation of diferent criteria as climate, energy and sustainability, which make it a modern and highly technical educational institution. One example is found in the design of the main facade, a double skin element taken directly from a car constructive solution; a facade that not only links its design strategy to solve thermal requirements and health (DB DB HE + HS) but will respond to acoustic factors (HR DB) using the 'Helmholtz effect', and developing a system – ‘all-in one '- and making this enclosure a complete, highly optimized and very low cost system.
The new CFPA building is designed to provide services to public and private organizations and companies within the automotive sector in order to develop different research programs. This led us to the building became a binding element between training institutions and productive sector providing the automotive industry of Catalonia of a training offer specialized excellence.
Marc Casany
Raul Sánchez / Vera Maria Esteves
Valentín de Carlos / Ana Andrade
Albert Recasens / Pablo Jorge Vispo / Lluis Riera
Project budget:
Irma Traserra / Javier Sandalinas
Marc Casany
CTTP 1999 SL – Prode Arquitectes Tècnics SLP
Building company:
Constructora Calaf – Teyco - EMTE
Andreia Faley / Ismael Vega
Adrià Goula / Marc Casany
Adrià Goula
Scales (human-industrial)
2 dimensions for 2 different scales. Not the same work in a factory (industrial scale) studying in a classroom (human scale)
Volums (human-industrial)
The main facade will have a distinct character to the facade of the workshops
Finished Work Video
Construction Video
Project Video