

The aim of the proposal for the UTEC was to reflect a new personality of the future's most modern engineering university. The priority was to make and efficient use of the energy through its distinguished design and high visibility setting an architectural icon for the city of Lima.


Public building




Lima, Perú




75.000 m2


The project wanted to release 65% of the total land area on the ground floor in order to create an urban environment and landscape to help to improve the communication between its users. It was set a natural environment that is why we promote a better and more conciliatory image of the surrounding cityscape.


Downstairs are the services that generate greater flow of people and whose uses are not restrictive to college but can also be compatible with the needs of the city. In that way, cinema, dining-room, conference hall and auditorium can be accessible independently at times. General services, kitchens and customer service areas are also on the ground floor to facilitate smooth operation. The library is located on the second floor and on the upper floors are the areas of study, in order to respect the environment of the privacy and tranquility required by classrooms and laboratory. Sometimes we interspersed the classrooms with controlled outdoor terraces where students can relax between courses.


On the proposal we try to emphasize 4 main aspects: treatment of outdoor areas, different enclosure circulation, the modularity of its construction and construction stages. Treatment of the outer space ensures the environmental quality of the project areas. The gardens, pedestrian traffic areas and rest areas were designed to be nice and cozy for the student population. The proposal took the roof top of the building as controlled spaces that functioned as terraces on different levels with an excellent view of the city.


The entire program of the building is structured from a module 10 x 18 m. This module is adapted to different uses, allowing freely distributing space while maintaining a rational construction ensuring constructive building efficiency. The modules generate maximum flexibility of adaptation that favors the construction phases of the project and any future changes to the program.


The project is developed mainly from north to south (more exposed longitudinal facades). This fact, together with the own location of the city of Lima, made the vertical component of the sun was much more extreme than the horizontal. This constraint meant that for those most exposed facades we placed horizontal louvers protecting the building from direct radiation without renouncing to receive the highest possible natural light.

Marc Casany

Ingrid Garcia / Andreia Faley / Irma Traserra

View 1
Image from Miraflores neighbourhood

View 2
Image from BRT Metropolitan

View 3
Image from the paralel street to Silva street + Treatment of the partition walls of the existing surrounding buildings

View 4
Image from the paralel street to Silva street with Delucchi street + Central square of acces to the complex

View 5
Facade without existing surrounding buildings - Silva street

Quebrada De Armendariz, Lima 15063, Perú

Site plan

Longitudinal section
View of inner patios and the technics patios

Skecth 1
Acces to the center

Skecth 2
Green zones and public spaces

Skecth 3

Skecth 4
Construction stages

Structural modul of the classrooms

Construction section
Structure scheme + Technics